This tool allows users to map real-time conditions, current forecasts, and future projections of climate information across the United States. The mapping interface provides climate variables, as well as variables pertinent to agricultural, fire conditions, and water resources. The dynamic mapping interface provides a straightforward way for scientists and decision-makers to visualize climate information.
This tool provides maps and graphical summaries of future projections of climate-related metrics from global climate models and future emission scenarios for a selected tribal geography.
This tool summarizes data from MACAv2-METDATA climate data, VIC hydrology and streamflow data, MC2 vegetation data, NorWEST stream temperature data and NOAA and University of Washington sea level rise data.
This tool provides users with a way to look at different types of water surpluses and deficits in near real-time. This tool displays past and real-time information for different flavors of drought (meteorological, hydrological, agricultural, ecological, snow) in the contiguous US. Maps of different flavors of drought can be compared side by side, for a specific location, and against the U.S. Drought Monitor assessment.
This tool provides a graphical summary of future climate projections from 20 global climate models and 2 future emission scenarios for a selected location.
This tool provides a map of climate analogs for select National Park locations in the contiguous US. Climate analogs are shown for varying definitions of annual 'climate' with metrics related to temperature, precipitation, growing conditions, fire danger and energy heating/cooling needs.
This tool displays a dashboard of projected future climate information for any location in the contiguous US. This tool is useful for evaluating how an individual climate variable is projected to change in future 30-year periods at a set location. The dashboard compares what was normal for 1971-2000 with projections derived from an ensemble of downscaled climate model projections using multiple future emissions scenarios.
This tool shows future projections (2010-2099) in climate for a pairing of two variables for a selected location. Users can choose from a number of climate variables summarized at the monthly, seasonal, or annual timescales and both create plots and acquire the resultant data.
This tool generates a table of future projections (2010-2099)for a selected location. Users can choose from a number of climate variables summarized at the monthly, seasonal, or annual timescales.
This tool visualizes projected monthly streamflows compared to historical streamflows at select locations along streams in the Western US. Users can choose to look at streamflows under different future greenhouse gas scenarios for a fixed future time period or at streamflows over different future time periods and emission scenarios.
This tool is useful for visualizing changes in a single variable evolving from year to year at a specific location. This tool provides a graphical summary of future climate projections from 20 global climate models and two future emission scenarios for a selected location. The timeseries shows model simulations from 1950 to 2005 and simulations from 2006 to 2100 under two greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. To visualize the spread across models, the range and the interquartile of all models is shaded.
This tool displays a dashboard of real-time climate information for any location in the contiguous US. This tool is useful for comparing multiple variables side-by-side in real-time for a set location. The dashboard provides not only the current values, but also how the current values compare to what is normal for the time period, computed from the years 1981-2010.
This tool tracks historical (1979-present) variability in climate for a selected location. Users can choose from a number of climate variables summarized at the monthly, seasonal, or annual timescales and both create plots and acquire the resultant data.
This tool allows users to access a series of graphs that display climate information across the United States covering the recent year and climate forecasts for the next 7 months. The interface not only provides climate variables, such as precipitation, but also variables pertinent to agricultural systems and energy, such as growing degree and heating/cooling degree days.
This tool provides a graphical summary of seasonal climate forecasts of temperature and precipitation for the next seven months for a selected location.